anyone else fed up with working?

16 weeks 3 days and today I just want to quit my job and just say screw it! I am working as a direct support professional (taking care of people with mental and physical disabilities) is so exhausting and stressful. Been with the company since last year and I never loved it but now that I'm pregnant I'm overwhelmed with negative feelings towards the job, co-workers, just the thought of driving into work. 
Been applying at other places online but no luck. 
My question is- how the hell do some women who stop working while pregnant (with out husbands who provide for everything) survive???
One of my friends is a stay at home mom and I seriously envy her non stressful life! I cannot be a stay at home mom and rely on my fiancés job, as we pay everything 50/50 and he can't provide for us alone. 
Just needed to vent. :(