How would you pronounce this baby name?

Jennifer • J & E est. 2009 Tripp born 10.13.11 Silas born 05.29.14 Violet stillborn 12.14.15 Thea Joy due 11.25.17
I'm almost certain that if baby is a girl, this is the name we will go with. I'm nervous that the name will be mispronounced often, though. I've always chosen relatively easy names to read/hear: Tripp, Silas, and Violet. 
My name was the most popular name in the late 80's so I never had to deal with someone not understanding my name or knowing how to spell it, so I don't know how it feels to deal with a name where you have to correct people on spelling and pronunciation... I wouldn't want her to hate her name later in life because of other's inability to say it correctly.