
So, the person I've been sleeping with for a while (years!) knows I want more, yet I know physically and healthwise, I have improvements that need to be made. I accept that. But I have to say, I GET IRKED AF when he gets with these females that don't really care for him. He's a known DJ here and I think they're only after him for that...I wrote this man a long email explaining how I felt. He knows I love him to the moon and back but dammit, I have trust issues. I have commitment issues but I know that this one is just it for me. I hate that he's the type that just cannot be satisfied though and always picks somebody over me. I mean, I get super depressed about it. My self confidence is low which is why I haven't approached him with how I feel again. He claims he's hearing what I'm saying and taking it to heart, yet I'm always pushed to the back burner. Now, he doesn't sleep with me when he's seeing somebody and I can always tell when there's somebody in the picture. He gets distant. I'm an idiot for staying around but how tf do I let go of a man I fell in love with, acknowledge that he's a player but say fuck it all because I'm only hurting myself?!