
Monica • Baby boy due June 2017 ❤️
I have dealt with the sciatic nerve pain since 8 weeks pregnant and it has significantly gotten worse. I am now 31 weeks pregnant and I work at a special needs school. I no longer lift but am constantly having to get on and off the floor and bend over (in a chair) to change pull-ups (we change most of them standing up to help potty train) but even those small tasks are putting me out for the rest of each day. I just got back from a week long spring break and didn't have the pain at all before coming back to work. Changing clothes and pull-ups and being on the floor are part of job requirements. I could fill out a medical form but the "restrictions" will only be good for 2 weeks or else I just have to leave work. I was planning on taking maternity leave as soon as May 12. Does anyone have any advice on how to help the pain until May?! I have tried belly bands, Tylenol, cold compress and stretching. The Tylenol doesn't help at all. And the others only give temporary relief until I get up for the next day. I'm desperate!! My doctor just said to take it easy but with my job, it's impossible.