Shocked al hamdulilah

Tanya • TTC 6 & a half years, baby no4 conceived 03/17 Baby no5 due 2020 😬🥰💜

**Update** Baby boy born 14th December 2017, 9 days overdue. My labour was induced due to SPD and although it was going really well it ended in an emergency csection due to baby becoming distressed. He was absolutely fine though, Al hamdulilah. Weighed 7lbs exactly and was tiny. :) the section recovery is the hardest thing I've ever experienced and I'm still recovering though the hardest days are over. He is so adorable and I'm still a little shocked that he's actually here. For all those still trying hang in there. Allah is Hearer of our duas and will grant them when the time is right.In sha Allah**. I found out Friday night I'm pregnant al hamdulilah. We have 3 boys already Allahumma barik Lahum and we'd been trying 6 and a half years. I was told I had secondary infertility around 4 years back then they mentioned it may be the depo provera pill injection "doing a great job" before saying I just didn't ovulate for no apparent medical reason. Allahu alam. I had clomid and ovarian drilling. Last year I was just sick of it all so changed career, qualified etc and then realised I was a week late. I've been "late" countless times over the years, missing entire periods even so it wasn't even a remote hope. At 10 days late my sister pestered me to take a test and I did so I could shut her up. It's me who's been left speechless. Al hamdulilah. According to the app I'm due the 5th December in sha ALLAH ta'ala. I immediately stopped taking the medication I'm on for fibromyalgia and insomnia and, well, here I am at 4am when I have work at 9am :) but...I'm not even complaining just very very surprised. Thanks for reading if you did. :)