I need your best advice...

I lost my baby girl Mélani Grace yesterday-April 7th at 4:05 am. She was 20 weeks weighed 12.2 oz and 10 inches long. She was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life. My heart is crushed. She was healthy and amazing for the time I carried her. I lost her due to my
Body failing her. I had an incompetent cervix and my cervix ended up opening way too soon. 
I know it takes time and I know this isn't something you can get over. But I have never cried so hard before. For those of you who have lost--what are some ways you've coped? What helped you? 
Right now I have expressed to my family that I don't want to talk or be bothered. I know there are concerns but they aren't the greatest support group. My husband has been amazing. I have had family who have tried to force themselves over my house and won't take no for an answer until myself or my husband has to be blatantly rude about it. Like I said I know they care but it's been one day and we need time to heal. 
Thanks in advance for your help and I hope I haven't offended anyone with anything I may have said as I know this isn't the easiest thing to talk about.