2 month shot

whit🌹 • •••1 toddler and twins •••
Have anyone got they baby 2 month shot if so how long did the crying and fussing of your baby last? I'm about to pull my hair out my head seriously please reply !!!!
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My daughter got her shots on friday. She was fussy for the first day but slept most of the day. She got 3 shots and little drink for a vaccine. We came home and put warm wash cloths on her legs and massaged them. I was reading Tylenol reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine so we avoided it. The sleepiness and fever is your baby's immune system responding and building antibodies against the sickness.


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We go next week , I dread it :(.  


Kelciey • Apr 13, 2017
Same here 😰


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My girl got hers yesterday omfg it was the most pitiful thing I ever seen. She cried like she's never cried before and her whole face was red IT BROKE MY HEART! I pumped a bottle and gave it to her right away and she stopped crying and slept for most of the day but cried when I was changing her. Gave her Tylenol and that worked. Today she's fine she smiled at me this morning when she woke up it was as if she was saying I forgive u momma 


Denise • Apr 13, 2017
I gave it afterwards once she started showing symptoms per doctors order. And I just got infant Tylenol because that's what my mom said to give but the doc said baby Motrin is fine too. But don't give medicine for no reason your baby may not need it.


Amy • Apr 12, 2017
does it matter what kind of pain reliever we buy? Also do you give it before or after the shot?


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Mine got hers yesterday, she only cries for about 30 minutes. We will see how she does that too, the nurse said could be fussy up to 48 hours later!


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We did ours 2 days ago and I feel like she's still fussy! Especially in the bath for some reason...maybe the injection sites bother her? Tylenol helped a lot the first day and yesterday. What I want to know is why the F they put bandaids on babies! It's another whole crying ordeal when you take them off!


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My daughter had hers yesterday & she cried for about 7 minutes straight 😭 it broke my heart! I sat with her until she calmed down & fell asleep.. I was not just putting her in her car seat & leaving lol.. She was fussy all day (I snuggled her all day)& then at bed time I gave her tylonal & she woke up back to her happy self today 😍


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My little one got her two months shots on Friday. She cried for a few seconds, maybe thirty seconds then I nursed her so she was fine after that. 


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My baby got her Hoya Monday and I didn't notice a difference. She wasn't fussy at all Monday or today 


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I brought my babies vitamins with me and gave them to him during the shots, he loves them. It helped distract him and he quickly stopped crying. Maybe try that at the 4 month to lessen the pain. 


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Well now my update about it my baby cry we the night after getting her 3 shots and now today she's really fine she seem a little warm I been giving her tylenol every 4 to 3 hours but she's doing excellent I'm glad she not crying like the last night when she got them whooo😅