WHICH BBT SHOULD I RECORD? So confused πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜‡

My SO woke up super early this am to travel for an early meeting. When he woke me up I took my bbt - it was surprising low (36.15 C /97.07 F)Β but also I felt very cold because he had stolen all the blankets durning night and the bedroom window was open. Thirty minutes later I took my BBT again - still lying in bed, just before going back to sleep for a few more hours and now with all the blankets. It rose slightly toΒ 36.31 C / 97.358 F. Went to restroom then fell fast asleep. Three hours later, having slept with bedding, I woke up at my normalish time and took my BBT again which recordedΒ 36.82 C/98.276 F - a bit high but I was warm and cozy in my cocoon of blankets. πŸ˜‡ Question is, which recording do you girls reckon I should use? Still somewhat new to BBT charting and confused. XxπŸ’—

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