Proposal 😬

Ever since my boyfriend ( of four years) finally got a stable job and super amazing pay, he's been bringing up getting married quite frequently. 
Now I'm so ready to get engaged to him, I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but him. I just don't want him to spend all his money on a ring for me! And I've told him before that I don't want anything stupid expensive, it's the bond I want with him that a husband and wife have. 
He just keeps hinting at something " big" he wants to do for me. And he asks me what days am I going to be off or what time I get off. And he says he's really excited, and he wants to take me to this fancy ass restaurant. 
It just seems all so perfect! I don't know what I'm having feelings about lol . 
All I know is I'm just happy he finally got a job and we don't have to struggle anymore. 
Have any of you ladies suspected a proposal and were right?