
So today I am exactly 39 weeks. Last night me and my husband had sex. Then right afterwards I felt different, something with this baby was gonna get into gear. Well late last night I felt little like Braxton hicks I'm guessing. But I could sleep through them. Then come around 1am they were getting stronger and I just had a feeling they were real contractions. 4:25 hits and they were painful, started off every 5-10 mins. Lasting about a min. Then they were 2-5 mins apart, still lasting almost a min. I have to hold where the pain is (lower abdomen, and lower back) and some of them were painful enough I had to let a tear out. And just a few mins ago I lost some mucus, and I am also having diarrhea now. Please please tell me I'm not crazy and this is the start of labor??? I'm not rushing to the hospital until I can't talk through the contractions cause that's what I was told was best. Advice?