Our Little Rainbow

At the end of February, we found out that we were pregnant. And then a week later I miscarried. This month, I was late and tested Saturday. This was the earliest positive I have ever tested positive. I am excited and want to tell my husband but found out that he was more upset about the miscarriage than I was.
Rewind to August of last year: I went to the doctor because of pain I was having and found out I had a cyst on my ovary. My doctor gave me a depo shot to see if a boost in hormones would shrink it (it did). For those who don't know, depo is active for three month but the residual can affect for usually three months after that. So February was my six month after the shot. My doctor said that being in that time frame and testing positive was a good sign.
Now he's worried that something is wrong with him. I don't want to brush his feelings aside but I want him to be able to see past his fears and be as excited as I am.