13 Reasons Why

So honestly, I have watched the entire first season, and read the book, and I have come to the conclusion that I think 13 Reasons Why is complete garbage. First off the entire idea is to bring light to teen suicide and how much what you do can affect other people. However, as someone who has survived through being a suicidal teenager, it makes me sit to see if dribbled down to teenage drama and "I think I have made myself clear, and none of you cared enough to stop me", reaching out is hard, I understand that, but just because of one fucked up person who didn't help, doesn't lead to kids commiting suicide. And by reaching out to only one person in an isolated way, doesn't mean that everyone who cares about you gets a mental buzzer saying "oh hey by the way, she is suicidal and is planning on killing herself", no one can read minds. Reaching out is an effort, and life or death is not determined by one person not listening.