I read an article today talking about how much harder parenting is now than it was 20 years ago. Between the pressure to lose the baby weight, to making your own organic baby food, and the shame for how you choose to feed your child, or get your children to sleep. The article mentions how much easier her grandmother had it raising 11 children than it is for her today. I personally agree with this, I think as more research is done on different parenting methods telling people what is 'right or wrong' and social media there for women to criticize/judge/shame each other it does put a tremendous amount of added pressure on parents. What do you all think is parenting harder now? Why or why not? And if you say yes, what do you do in your own life to overcome? I personally listen to all unsolicited advice, consider it, and ultimately do whatever the hell I want. Sometimes I take it, sometimes I smile and thank them and go home and laugh about it with my husband. I'm doing the best I can and I know that, so the pressure to be the perfect parent bothers me a lot less.