my boyfriend won't post me on social media anymore?

He uses twitter religiously, as in it's the only platform he really uses and has over 10k because of videos he's made. We've been together almost a year. In the beginning of our relationship he used to post cute pictures of me or tag me in stuff and now it's been months and it's just stopped. I came to him about it and his only reason is that "he just doesn't want to and probably never will" want to post personal stuff on there anymore that doesn't have to do with online gaming or "nerd stuff" as he calls it because that's what he's known for on twitter. I just think it's annoying he did for a while and now I suddenly don't exist. He knows it would make me happy but he said it's not up to me to decide if he wants to post anything and that right now and probably til forever, he doesn't want to. His ex, however was allllllll over his social media and his excuse is that it was a few years ago but now he "doesn't Wanna." And that's really it. I don't know. I can't tell him how I feel because he says I won't change his mind even if one tiny thing once in a while will make me happy. And yes I know social media isn't everything but it would be different if he never did. Thoughts? We're 21/22.