Holidays/Vacations without the kids yes or so?

Ok, I'm having a debate with my sister in law about this. She isn't a mother yet, she is focused in her career and thinks that maybe she will want a child in 4 or 5 years. I told her that I intend to have 2 holidays a year, a 10 days holiday just me and my Hubby and a 7-8 days holiday with all the family. I believe we (as a couple) need time to ourselves and to enjoy just us for a bit. Also we love to go to super hot countries where children wouldn't feel good. My oldest is now 7 months and there is a second on the way. I plan to start this in 2 years time. My sister in law thinks this is compleatly selfish so I need opinions. I'll make this anonymous because if most people react as my sister in law I will feel the hate less. Please do vote honestly. Many thanks.

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