
I just want to have a place of my own. I was living on my own since I was 18. Now 21, and I swear everything just keeps smacking me in the face...i have two kids, and a boyfriend. Let me start from the beginning, we moved into low income housing when we were 18, had our son, lived there for 2 years but the longer we stayed, the worse the place got, the apartments became infested with crack heads who'd leave needles all over the play ground, and razor blades everywhere. We've had our car broken into, and our apartment too. We just wanted to get out of there. I became pregnant with my second and we did both have jobs, so we decided to move out into a house, I was trying to save up to pay bills but ended up on maternity leave earlier than anticipated so my boyfriend tried paying everything on his own, and we struggled I went back two weeks after having my baby so I could pay bills, just as I was finishing up the last few days of the pay period for my first full check, I got a call that my boyfriend got in a wreck with the kids. I left work and literally 30 minutes later got a call from my boss asking if I could still come back and work cause they needed me. (I didn't even make it to the wreck yet) when I got there, my babies were screaming and my boyfriend had left in an ambulance. He had a shattered knee. While I'm the hospital with my son, my work texted me 3 times, even after I told them how bad the wreck was, they texted and said I needed a doctor's note to take the night off. I said okay. Then again they said we still have a mandatory meeting the next day. My son was admitted to the hospital there's no way I could make it. Then again they said if I wanted an excused absence I better get a doctor's note. I decided it's better if I leave that job. I got the doctor's note, but before I could give it to them, I got a new job which included a pay cut. But I didn't care cause I needed a place who could understands family emergencies come first. Then I find out that one small thing disqualified me from having this job... so now I'm out of a job, and my boyfriend is out for at least 6 weeks. So we decided it's best to leave the house and move in with family. Well, living with family includes cigarette smoke. And LOTS of it. My son has horrible asthma and my daughter is just a baby... it's not fair. I'm listening to my son nearly choke right now as I've given him his inhaler 3 times. I can't help him.. And all they say is "It's my house I'll do what I want" but they're just children... I wanna have my own place, I wanna have a job, I don't wanna live off assistance and help from everyone else.. I'm so tired of this life, I just wanna get out of this pit and move up in life! I don't know what else to do.