Sex after trying to conceive for years!

I had tried for 14 years to have a child. After all those years with 4 miscarriages I finally had a baby at 39. After a terrible battle with PPD, now it seems the pressure is off me and my partner. We've been together 4 years and the sex is just incredible. I mean earth shaking incredible. My advice to those ttc is this...I know how bad you want a child, I REALLY do, but the pressure places so much strain on our men. I see posts everyday about a SO that can't get it up or is masturbating instead. I've learned that as much as we want it, it will happen when you least expect it. Don't talk about it all the time. Don't tell him you're ovulating unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. You initate sex when you know you're fertile and turn him out. Keep it passionate and make him feel like the only man in the world. Its cliche but take it from me, we you stop trying so hard it WILL happen. I had given up totally and the next month I got my bfp and now my miricale baby. Baby dust to each and every woman here!