what the heck...

I was trying to be good and not think too much into it because this is our first official month trying but what the heck do you do with the following symptoms and bfn-ish-es. 
1. Boobs are killing me. 
2. Moody af and crying. A lot.
3. Puking or on the verge of.
4. Little twinges on my left side since about 4-5 dpo 
5. 8 days late on a pretty regular cycle. Give or take 3 days. 
6. The freaking heartburn!!!!! 
7. And the grossest- the cm that I can't tell you the consistency but I can tell you it's very clear and lots and gross. And I say that because I'm slightly annoyed 🙄
Anyone else in the boat with me?? I'm okay either way but I'd like to know or not know or.. something.