3 months baby still no head/neck control 😭

Ok so baby is 3 months haves a lil of head/neck control i know every baby is diffrent and i be seeing other cute 3 month old babies already having 100% head control even bouncing on there jumper!!!! So it really makes me feel sad i am a first time mommy and everytime i go visit my parent house or sisters they start telling me that i should sit my baby straight so he can get head control because his suppose to be able to control his lil head by now..and my dad always compares my baby to my sister in laws baby he says that when my sister in laws baby was 3 month he could already sit up ect ect and lowkey makes me feel like i am doing something wrong!!!! They are always telling me that i am just raising my baby wrong by him not being able to control his head/neck by now!! Also i know my baby is a crybaby idk maybe becuz he is EBF!!! So my sisters always complaining that i should stop breastfeeding him and bottle feed him becuz he crys a lot and yes i admit it he is a crybaby and it comes to the point where all he wants is boobie!!! Am i doing something wrong?? Any advice!! Anyone going through something similar??