how are your partners with your babies?

Fall • Mama of two 💖💙
I get annoyed at my hubby sometimes. He stays home right now and he is the type to let the baby cry when he's frustrated. I feel like he gives up too soon though. If he can't figure out the problem immediately he's get annoyed and tells her to shush and raises his voice a little bit. I tell him I hate when he does that and if he gets upset to bring her to me and I'll take over for awhile. But he says he doesn't do that because "I'll bitch" about not getting sleep for work. He hasn't even given me a chance to not bitch though, and I wouldn't! I don't want my daughter to cry and cry because I know if she is crying there is something wrong and I want to fix it immediately. My heart hurts when she cries and he doesn't care enough to keep trying to figure out why. She is only three months and has tummy issues, recently had her first cold (cough is still left over), and is teething. Of course she's gonna be a little more grumpy than usual. He is great with her any other time but I constantly worry about her when I work and that's not fair. I shouldn't have to worry about my baby with her own dad. I know he won't do anything to hurt her but the crying it out thing i 100% don't agree with. I want at least one more baby and he is constantly telling me no more babies I hate babies. And I ask him how can you say that about your daughter and he says I love her to death but I just don't do well with babies . 😥