i dont know what to do ! 😩

mellybee🐝 • ayo~ I'm melissa 💛 im blunt, honest and compassionate. im an egalitarian and a liberal. im 28 years old.
So my fiancé and i have been together about a year now, and our wedding date is the first week of october, but his mom still doesnt approve of me, well she's begrudgingly accepted that were getting married, but it seems like every time she gets used to something she judges and spites me for something new, when my fiancé started dating me he changed his relationship status on facebook, something i guess he never did with his ex gf of two years. and his mom immediately messaged him asking "do you really want to show this off? is that what you want to do?" and he said yes, and she said "you should be dating a muslim girl Muamer" and she didnt talk to him for THREE MONTHS. and when she finally did she was very passive aggressive and pretended their lack of communication was because of himans not because she was ignoring him. and then she accepted were dating finally. THEN the next thing was that a continuation of her being upset im not musilim as well. although when she spoke with me she said it was something i should only do if its in my heart. but to him she asks when will i convert ? then when she found out were getting married she was so pissed because she was accidentally last to know after his dad and sister (he thought his sister told her earlier, i told him he should have told him himself but hes dopey sometimes) and she said she wouldnt come to the wedding. and he had to beg her for two months before she finally said "there is a difference between love and real life muamer, do you really think shes whats right for you?" this is all based off my religion. after more talking she accepted were getting married and said she will come. but then she was asking about our future children and getting pissy, and then she wanted me to message her more to get to know me, but when i message her its like a game of tag,  and she hardly responds, the last thing that happened was she found out i got an tattoo apprenticeship, something im very happy to have because its my dream, and she got so upset and said it was horrible ans a gateway to worse things, and haram. she's constantly finding reason to dislike me and shes never even met me. i try so hard to please her. and i love her son to the moon and back, i dont know what to do to make her like me, because iv never had a boyfriends mom dislike me, theyve all loved me... what can i do to bridge our differences and have her understand me and know that i understand and accept her beliefs the way they are too? ugh...