what would you do?

Uggg so my boyfriend is super stressed out  and this year has honestly sucked for him so far, his brother was released from prison earlier and it turns out he is legit crazy (schizophrenic) his sister came to help us get him set up with different programs while he was out on parole and she sent him to Mexico with their mom, well he beat the hell out of their mom and tried to kill her, now my boyfriend wants to move back to Mexico, he wants to get his contractors license here and other shit plus we have been trying to get pregnant, he freaked out yesterday on my birthday while I was out of town at a wedding (he couldn't come due to work) and today has. It called me or texted me back, I asked "so you don't want to be with me anymore?" And he texted back just "N" nothing else . I am so upset right now I have. I idea what to do . Or if that means he wants to break up or what. What would you do?