38weeks baby movements

I'm a FTM and 38+1 weeks. 
My midwife told me towards the end of my pregnancy I wouldn't feel as many movements and kicks from my baby due to the lack of room he has left in the womb.
My babies movements have been very constant and normal to what I've been feeling throughout my pregnancy. He's very active always has been and I feel every movement he makes. 
Over the past 2-3 days, he's been making big movements (sticking his bum out a lot and moving his hands and feet around) these movements feel very tight like I don't really know how to explain it but when he stretches out a lot I feel extremely tight for a few seconds until he then moves again. He also does something that gives me a strange feeling as if my waters going to break or I'm about to wet myself. I keep mistaking the movements and stretching out to Braxton Hicks because they make me feel so tight in my belly. Has anyone else experienced anything like this towards the end? I was meant to have a midwife appointment this Thursday but it's now been pushed back to next Tuesday so I'll then be 39+2 pregnant.