Risk of pre term labor?

So I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with my second. I gave birth to my daughter at almost 37 weeks, but even though she was considered a premie she was perfect and had no complications whatsoever besides mild jaundice...Anyways so now that I am expecting again, the midwives keep suggesting to me to possibly having to come in every week starting at 16wks to get progesterone shots to "possibly" prevent going into preterm labor again. Now that sounds a little excessive to my SO and I being that our daughter was only preterm by a little bit and going in every week would be a lot to take on with my already very busy schedule so my question is...have any of you ladies been in a situation like this to where your first was early but your second one wasn't? Or your second was also early,and by how much? Or also if any of you ladies have had to take the shots every week and did it prevent preterm labor? Cause it's not even a for sure prevention that I won't go into pre term labor again...thanks in advance ☺️