Blood Pressure Help

Molly • First time mommy with my little angel, Nora.
So I've been consistently average with everything in my pregnancy thus far. I am 34 weeks and 4 days. I went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was 138/89. I also had elevated protein count in my urine. The doctor said I have to monitor my blood pressure throughout the week and if it's not down by friday I will be put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. 
Is this something that has happened to anyone and it turned out to be okay. I'm freaking out a little bit and went and bought a blood pressure monitor to help me keep track. 
I have to go back in a week to recheck my urine for protein. Should I be expecting the baby earlier than her due date? I don't even have a name yet because I've been so average, I thought I would go full term to my due date. Help! What should I do to prepare?