Advice needed


Hi guys

This is not a pregnancy related problem I am having but some advice if anyone can give any.

I have a 9month old nearly 10 month old son and since about 2 months old he has been a brilliant sleeper. Sleeps all through the night and even now still sleeps through the night. Last month we moved him into his own room. Made it all nice for him and comfortable. But the last 2 weeks it's been murder trying to get him to sleep after his bath, bottle and a little bonding time i put him in his cot for bedtime and he will throw and almighty fit screams, shouts, bangs, to the point he has got himself into such a state he is shaking. I know nothing is wrong with his because the minute I pick him up he is fine. Sometimes to calm him down and get him to sleep I have to let him fall asleep on me. This happens sometimes at nap times also not so bad as bedtime tho. Im at my wits end I spoke to my health visitor and she said if he is fed, changed and ok let him cry it out but not to a point he is distressed that's difficult because 9 times out of 10 he is distressed.

Sorry for the long post but would like to know if anyone has experienced this or going through this. Also he has his little sister due in August so would like to nip this in the bud sooner rather then later.