So Ready...


Guys I feel like I'm dying... I know thats an over exaggeration. I'm out of breath all the time, it hurts to bend over, sitting on the floor is a no no, my back hurts all the time and I can't twist enough to crack it, I'm lucky to fall asleep before 4am and my 5yr old gets up at 8am, I can't take a nap during the day cuz SO is at work, my hips feel like hell everytime I have to walk up the stairs, my whole body feels stiff if I sit or stand too long, I'm constantly thirsty and nothing is quenching it, I keep coughing up mucus from my sinuses draining, I'm having random bouts of sickness, I can barely reach "down there" to shave unless I'm layed out on the bed with a towel and a cup of water and a mirror, my face is breaking out again, none of my bras fit, don't even have enough energy to get dressed in the morning, irritated by pretty much anyone who talks to me, BH contractions are getting intense and quite frankly I'm tired of the tease, my pelvis feels like I have a 100lb weight hanging between my legs, I have to roll to get up from any position... I feel like I'm lost as a person cuz I can't be the happy energetic social butterfly that I was before this pregnancy. I just want to curl up with food and Netflix and be left alone.

This pregnancy has been the exact opposite of my first. I feel like the only part of this one that isnt miserable is getting to feel my little girl moving around around inside me. I know its all going to be worth it the first time I see her face. I do my best not to complain to the people around me cuz my SIL annoyed everyone with that while she was pregnant. So I guess I just came here to rant and get it all out. I'm lucky to have a SO that doesn't make fun of me for crying for no reason and helps me when I ask him to. Hes so understanding and I appreciate him so much. Anybody else want to whine for a bit about any misery or frustration you're experiencing? Please please please pour it all out. Might feel good to know I'm not the only one out there who's not having fun with this pregnancy.

*36+2 and counting*