Cry it out

So my daughter turned 7 weeks yesterday, and for a week or so now, she gets fussy and worked up to the point of being inconsolable. Sometimes she'll start downright screaming. Nothing we do will help. The other day she did this, and my boyfriend took her to her room (she was already swaddled), put her into her bouncer where she sleeps, and shut the door. I was worried, but he said he did this once when I was gone on errands, and she screamed for 8 minutes (he timed her) then calmed down. Then he brought her out to the living room and she napped for 3 hours. And sure enough, the same happened again.
Now, I'm not a huge advocate of cry it out, and I would never leave her to scream for more than 10 minutes. But my boyfriend's father advised my boyfriend to do this the time I was gone, as they had done to him when he was an infant. And sometimes I think our parents generation had it correct, and we're now too afraid to "damage" our kids, and we drive ourselves insane in the process.
Anyways, just some advise for moms at the end of their rope with a fussy child and none of the soothing methods works. Lay them down and walk away for a few minutes. Maybe for you too, it will help 😊