Baby Denver is here❤️

 This was my first pregnancy. He is 7 pounds 12 ounces. Due on 4/24/17. Arrived on 4/14/17! My water broke at 9:20 am Friday morning and I labored completely naturally for 11 hours until 8:07pm when he was born! He was out in two pushes !!!!  I had mostly back labor but I will say contractions are mind over matter. When they come they hurt but when you're not having one use that time to mentally recharge and prepare for the next one. If going natural or something you want to do stay strong stay focused and keep telling yourself you can do it. Everybody I told her I doubted me and asked why I would want to do it this way, but I never let the negative comments or doubt get to me. Pushing didn't hurt for me it was more of a relief. Best experience of my life and I would do it 100 times again. I was up and walking within 15 minutes of delivery👶🏽