Trying four times last month and my period didn't start on the 6th of April so I did a pregnancy tes...

Trying four times last month and my period didn't start on the 6th of April so I did a pregnancy test on the 7th and that was negative. so I did another pregnancy test because I was cramping on the 14th and still was negative. So I thought I was stressing due to the fact that I'm a teacher who work with mental/disability children. Something in not really use too. So today on the 22nd if April around 12ish I felt like I was going to start my cycle when I rushed to the bathroom nothing. Class ended at 3pm and I made it home at 3:25pm to do number two when I had a Lil spot of blood. so fell asleep because I was like I'm going to start and woke up at 4:45pm and waited to 6pm to do a pregnancy test that showed up quick. I didn't tell my fiancé I just told him I'll start my cycle today. I'm suppose to get married July 16th of this year. I'm already afraid of gaining weight, I have slight depression from time to time and hardly anyone to talk too. I'm suppose to be happy but I'm barely that. I'm just need some prayers.