Just need to rant... FTM at 37 weeks + 2 days


So i need to rant as im very tired very grouchy and very uncomfortable. im a FTM, at 37 weeks im feeling very very uncomfortable. Frequent trips to the loo. Nausea, Constant back pain, irregular period cramps, having to support bump when i walk due to feeling like im.walking with a melon or balloon between my legs. Then theres a ridiculously itchy rash ive developed on my thighs with no idea what it is... but yet keep being told its nothing to worry about. Well this rash is keeping me awake at night along with the other stuff and its driving me insane!

Getting fed up of losing sleep because im uncomfortable! At least if my baby was here id have a reason to be awake and it would be to love them and provide them with food rather than just this constant uncomfortable state.

Not even sure how to remedy it anymore.. tried pillows, paracetamol, just wandering around my home. Just want my baby here, healthy and safe. So done with this pregnancy now though.

P.s im aware im not the only pregnant lady feeling uncomfortable right now but i feel like im going crazy with it.