purple line dilation test

I never heard of this till this morning. At first I thought "yeah right, there's no way this is legit" but I found close to nothing saying it wasn't true. For those who don't know, the purple line dilation test is a way to tell if you're dilated without an internal exam. It sounds stupid, but being a sufferer of Vaginismus, I was relieved that there were other ways to tell if I was dilated. The scenario is, when you start to dilate, a redish purple line appears in your butt crack😂😂😂 I KNOW ITS WEIRD TRUST ME I KNOW BUT WAIT.! Reading about it, it makes total sense, so definitely look it up! The more dilated you are, the higher up the line is. It starts right above your butthole, and goes all the way up to basically your tailbone when you're fully dilated. Out of curiosity, I looked and low and behold.. it's all the way to my tailbone! There's charts online to help you measure to see how many cm you'd be dilated. According to mine, I'm between 8-10. And I'm 36 weeks! I called the nurse at my doctors and she said to call my doctor immediately to get it checked out. I wasn't told if it was legit or not, just a "call immediately!" So I'm guessing it's real?? Still waiting for a call back from my doctor to determine what to do, but any other moms have this or heard about it??