Bleeding Scare

Kris • Married💍 Proud Mommy 3 💓💓💙
I'm 8 weeks 5 days, been having brown discharge for the past 2 weeks. Seen my OB a few times in this time frame. Baby has always checked out perfectly. Today I used the rest room and had a gush of red blood, freaked me so went straight to the ER needless to the doctor was a heartless bitch! Without an assessment she said " you're having a miscarriage and there's nothing we can do at this point" she then wanted to do a vag exam and I refused! I insisted she contact my ob and fallow his instructions. An ultrasound was done, baby looks great so far great hb and tech wasn't able to detect anything that would be causing me to bleed. I fallow up with my OB on Tuesday. I'm still spotting, but not heavily at the moment. Although I had relief I'm still terrified of miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced this?