Need to get this off my mind...

When I was four years old my mom left my dad. My dad would have me every week and my mom would have me every other weekend. My mom found a new man well things started to happen. He started to molest me. I told my step mom one day what was happening child detective services didn't do anything about it. I finally told my pre-k teacher and they finally did something about it. My mom denied the whole thing even though there was evidence. She said I was lying and my family was making the whole thing up. She even married the man while everything in court was going on. The man got away way with it. He got probation for three years and jail time for a year. I haven't seen my mom since I was ten. She messages me on Facebook now and then. When I talked to her about what happens she kind of denied it and said she was young and stupid. I'm now 39 weeks pregnant all she cares about is the baby. Promising she will be a good grandmother but it hurts me. Even to this day she won't admit what really happened to me. I live everyday knowing that my mom married a man who molested me. It hurts me it makes me depressed. All I want to do is move on from it. I want to be the best mother I can to my baby boy. I have a wonderful husband who supports and takes care of me. Sorry that this is long 😔it feels good to be able to type this out...