Has anyone on here been prescribed minocycline for acne?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I recently went to the dermatologist for severe acne, I'm 21. The dermatologist said the placement of my acne & how it looked were hormones so he prescribed me minocycline for the infection & tretinoin cream for my face. He also recommended a low dose birth control which I started today. Since beginning the minocycline however, I've noticed I feel dizzy, light headed, I keep a headache, I feel nauseous, & all I want to do is sleep. I don't know if I should continue taking it & hope it gets better & that it's just my body getting used to the drug or if I should contact my dermatologist. Did anyone else experience this? Anyone else have this kind of acne? What were you prescribed? What helped, what didn't? Any input would be greatly appreciated!