Feeling unwanted😢😢😢

Teri-lyn • 27 engaged mommy to lincoln 05.11.2016
Ever since we found out we were pregant my finace has completely started to distant him self from me specialy at night . I ask him to get off his phone and to come cuddle so when can go to bed and he gets all mad and but hurt and says his show is more important i honestly feel unwanted . I feel ugly and  unloved i feel like he dosnt want  our baby anymore . Hes only told two people not even his family that where pregnant i feel like hes ashamed by me . I dont know what to do 😓😓😓😢😢😢😢 iv cried my self to sleep the last week because he  not paying attention to me he gets mad at me when i sleep all day but thats not in my control. Iam 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant i find it hard to stay wake all day what do i doÂ