Help :/

I've been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for almost three years. I love him but I feel like I'm annoyed or angry with him most of the time. He doesn't have a traditional job and sometimes I feel like he puts work before me. He claims its so we don't have to worry about money, but I feel like he'll never leave this work and I'm not trying to live my life under the watch of the law... I'm truly attracted to him but I feel like there's no real future for us because I'm very school and career oriented and he's more concerned with making money. He constantly puts school off which makes me worry about our possibility of a future. I recently began going to a larger school with more people interested in the same field as me (geology). Which I didn't know until recently is a huge turn on. There's one guy In particular who's very similar to me in age, schooling, and humor. He has a girlfriend from what I've heard but he never talks about her and his relationship status is single on Facebook (even though that doesn't mean anything). I have a lot of thoughts about how much happier my life would be without my current boyfriend and it seems fun--even if I were single--but I would hate to go through the breakup. We have broken up once but I gave in and here we are. I'm not sure if I should end things for my own good and see what else is out there or if should stay in this relationship and hope for things to change for the better. If we did break up though I'm not sure how to do it without hurting him and while also sending the message that there is no future for us anymore.