
Ok so the guy i love has made mistakes. He had lied....he had drug issues. So i broke up with him and i said only I'd be with him when he chooses to do different. We still talk and say i love you and i miss you but I've seen him twice since the break up. We did have sex but i made it clear with my words. We still cuddled and kissed because we love each other. Well anyways... my mother despises him. We were together for over two years. And from the start she always had something against him and was mean to him even when she didn't know him. She acts as if i choose him over her. I'm 18, still in school and she constantly tells me to quit school. She's emotionally abusive, calls me a whore when she thinks i left the house. She has issues and i just don't know what to do. She constantly tries to lecture me on him and i understand thats what a mother should do, but yet she goes to see her ex and he's on the same drug my ex was on. She's being a hypocrite and yet expects me to listen to her. My mother even used to be an alcoholic herself. I know most people's advice would be work and move out but its hard finding a part time job while im still in school. I can't fully support myself yet. I had plans to go into a program next year for a nursing assistant.

Comments are appreciated i just need to not feel judged i feel like no one understands my situation