Has anyone found out gender at 13 weeks?

TtcMommyof1 • Wife to a wonderful man ❤️. Mommy to an amazing 6 year old girl 💕. Due 11/8 with a baby boy after 37m ttc💙
I'm going for a genetic screening ultrasound on Thursday at 13 weeks 3 days. Has anyone been able to see gender this early on a standard ultrasound? I'm going to ask the ultrasound tech to check, but wasn't sure if it was even possible. Thanks!
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They gave me a guess around 13 weeks during my Nuchal Translucency scan, but my doctor said they're never more than 80% accurate at that time because everything is swollen (for boys and girls), so it's impossible to know for sure. You'll have to confirm with your anatomy scan between 18-20 weeks or the Harmony test if you want to know sooner. I'm still waiting to hear if they were right, and I'll have to say it's almost harder waiting now that I have a gender in my mind after the scan! I almost wish I hadn't asked because now I might be disappointed if I find out they were wrong! 


TtcMommyof1 • May 1, 2017
That's awesome! Congratulations on your baby boy! :)


Ma • May 1, 2017
Update: I literally just got the call from my Harmony results and it looks like all of the guesses were right and I'm having a boy! Good luck to you!


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I did at 14 weeks.


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I think they can but it won't be, you know, 100% accurate!


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They gave me a guess at 13 weeks. I knew I was having a girl at 12 weeks because I had the panorama test done that told me the gender. At my 19 week appointment I got a ultrasound and it did confirm I was having a girl. I'm now 24 weeks and super excited for my baby girl to be here. 


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There is a blood test that can be done as early as 10 weeks. We got it at 12 weeks because of previous miscarriages. If your OB doesn't recommend that you get it your insurance won't cover it, and it is around $2,000.  But if you have had recurrent miscarriages or are at a high risk for genetic problems then ask your Dr about it. It gave us some reassurance that I would be able to have a full term pregnancy.