Possible bad batch Wondfo Lot# w00160602-3 ***UPDATE images of faulty vfl tests in comments***

Myself and another girl i met on here have been cycle buddies we both purchased Wondfo tests and had great luck with the ovulation tests but the hpts have given bith of us vvvvvvvvfl shadowy pinky purple line on every single test that neveer gets darker other brands show negative and then AF comes. I have not seen anyone complaining about this but the same exact thing is happening to us both and the line is there at the time limit. This month it has happened again but i have alot left so i told myself i just wont consider it anything unless it is a clear positive. I have been pregnant 4 times in the last year so i am very familiar with the way my body feels during pregnancy though some things have varied slightly with each one. I have been having headache for 4 days but am only 11dpo so that was making me already suspicious bc i never get them except when i am pregnant but its allergy season so i thought dont dwell on that you could be getting allergies. Today i woke up with tender breasts the same headache and feeling not nauseas but sick to my stomach my uterus also feel sore and felt uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach last night. Not like i couldnt do it i was just aware of an achy feeling in my lower abdomen and still feel it today so i cracked and took a stupid wonfo and it was BFN the second line was bright white like couldnt be any more negative but also looked textured like dented frustrated that id gotten my hope up i walked away and left it on the counter now that it has dried you can really see that it looks like it has been chewed on i could only see the texture slightly when it was wet but now it looks dirty and legit like someone bit it. Has anyone had a test look like this before? Did i just not notice it before using it or does it happen from the urine some how? Is it an invalid test or totally normal bfn just looks ugly? Not sure if you can even tell but the dark spots are dented in