Baby shower 😬

So my fiancé went to basic training for the army and won't be back until I'm 37 weeks, July 14. I'm a higher risk pregnancy so I'm not working, I have some things but not everything I possibly need for my sons arrival. My fiancé's mom was all for throwing my baby shower in June before. Now she's saying she wants to wait until my fiancé gets back so he can be there. Not that I wouldn't want him there, but I feel like that is no time to get everything from the shower set up and ready when I'm going on 38 weeks. I don't know how to tell her I want to do it earlier so we have things ready because I'm scared she'll think I'm not including my fiancé in it when that's not the case. I'm a very nervous person anyway and I just don't think waiting that long is a good idea for me or the baby because I know I'll freak out about it. I don't know what to do and was wondering how you ladies would react or if you think doing a shower that late would be fine?Â