Watch out for FALSE BFPs from Easy at Home!!!

Emily • Isaac 4/11/18 💛 Rainbow 🌈 Averie 💗 7/5/20
So I took this yesterday with FMU (10 DPO, 5 days until AF) and got a VFL BFP. The photos were taken within the time frame...Re-tested this morning with FMU to see the lines get darker and there was NOTHING. No faint lines, obvious BFN. With 3 different tests, 2 easy@homes and one FRER. Also tested again this afternoon and BFN again. Literally everyone I show this test here saw the VFL and was congratulating me on my BFP, so it wasn't just my line eyes. I plan on contacting Easy at Home and demanding a refund for faulty tests. Nothing is more crushing than a false BFP!!!