KT Tape Belly Pain LIFESAVER

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
I caught a stomach bug the day I hit 26 weeks pregnant (Friday), threw up three times that night, went to sleep with minimal incident going forward EXCEPT I had excruciating pain on my lower right side. Fearing that I might have appendicitis (since that's where your appendix usually is) I went to see my doctor, who advised that since I wasn't feeling sick anymore and just had the abdominal pain that I probably pulled or strained something muscular in my abdomen while vomiting the day before. I haven't gone through labor yet so this was the worst, most prolonged body pain I have had in my life! It was totally debilitating, I couldn't drive, it hurt SO MUCH to change positions (like go from standing to sitting, or walk around), I couldn't bend down, it was horrible. I think because my uterus is heavy it is putting extra strain on the already strained muscles. On Sunday morning when I was sure I was feeling better from my bug, I had my husband take me to Target to buy KT Tape since I had seen something about it on Pinterest. 
This stuff is a miracle. It still hurts, but I'm not crippled by the pain, and I'm sure it's helping me heal. I took it off last night because I thought I was healed up enough not to need it anymore, but what I learned after it came off was the tape was the only reason I felt healed up like that! The pain wasn't as bad as Saturday, but man was it worse than without the tape!! Needless to say it is back on! 
I know I can't be the only lady with issues like this with their abs, so I thought I'd share what worked for me! 
Sorry for the kind of TMI photo