Reason 1 million on why I love my job

Courtney • November 10th. ❤️
I'm only 18 years old and I work in a nice kitchen, in the pastry department. But everyone I work with is older, between the ages of 22-37 that's just in my part of the kitchen. So when I found out I was going to be a mom I was super scared to tell anyone because of what they would say. And I shouldn't care but I think SUPER highly of these people. They are my family! But I told my boss and I've been telling people little by little and everyone has been so happy for me! Which gives me so much hope! Also one of my closest friends I work with was one of the first people I told just because she's already a mom with a healthy 11 month old baby girl and I needed all the advice I could get. Well I told her about a month ago. Well Tuesday she had a little surprise for me. She also is pregnant wth her second and she's only 2 weeks ahead of me! This makes my pregnancy so much more fun to be able to do it together! Her due date is Oct 30th mine is Nov 12th. They are going to be our Scorpio babies! 😊❤️