anti anxiety meds while pregnant

Has anyone every taken buspar( buspirone) while pregant? Or any type of anti anxiety med? I'm almost 7 weeks and when I found out I was pregant at 4 weeks, my ob switched me from 50mg Zoloft to 10mg buspirone..  I was only on zoloft 4 months before getting pregant and it was due to an anxiety episode that I had in January. I had never experienced anxiety until then( I blame it on motherhood and quiting breastfeeding when my son turned 1 in January! They don't tell you that being a mother changes how you feel about so many things) I hate being on something for anxiety while pregant. I am considering talking to my dr about going off. I don't want to hurt my baby! My anxiety episode was only 4 months ago and I'm so afraid of going through it again. I have worked with a therapist and she has helped me learn about anxiety and how to help myself when I start having anxious thoughts. I think anxiety meds have to build up in your blood stream so I would hate to go off and my anxiety come back! It's all so new to me!