Hi ladys i would apreshate some advice please

Jessica due baby girl 7th march 2019 💜
Af is due today i have a 40 day cycle. Suspected ovulation on 26th or 27th going by glow. I have pcos but have recently lost 2 stone ive been off protection for 3 years and not fallen pregnant. Last two weeks i have been feeling pregnant and i normally get thrush 4 days befor period and constipated howeva going to the loo like normal and no thrush. Ive been experiencing early morning nausea,extreamly tired,high closed soft cervix can barly touch it creamy cm. Well i find when im constipated my period one start untill i go to the loo. So today i went and when i wyped their was pink cm tiny tiny spot of blood but when that happens if i put a finger in ill find that their is more red pink inside and that way ill no its period howeva today its just pink when i wyped and no more inside just creamy cm. Im now having period cramps so mayb af is starting but has anyone had this and been pregnant. Sorry for long post but please comment thank you x