Opinions on induction

I'm due in 7 days exactly and my doctor checked my cervix today and said it wasn't remotely ready at all.

Now I know this process can happen over night.

She mentioned giving me Cervadil Sunday night before my due date Monday. I would stay at the hospital that night and be monitored. There will only be 1 other mom giving birth so she said there's definitely room for me.

Or I can wait until the Sunday night before I turn 41 weeks on the 19th and do the induction then. She said it's up to me. She sees no reason why I should hold off or even get induced. She said it's totally up to me. Now I know the risks. I know how I can end up having a C Section. We have talked all of that through. My husband isn't helping me decide on this at all. He is indifferent towards it as he doesn't know much about it and what I should or shouldn't do so he wants me to make the decision myself. I just don't know what to do. My pelvic pain is so bad that id like to have him on time, but at the same time I know that extra week couldn't hurt him. What do you ladies think? This is all hypotethical, I haven't agreed to the induction yet. I can totally stick it out until 41+5 if I decide to. I would just like some input before I make a decision. And yes, I am aware I can go into labor at any time now. Cervical checks mean nothing.