I need some advice ladies!

OK so here's the deal this is my third pregnancy but I have never actually experienced "labor" what I mean by that is I had absolutely no labor whatsoever with either child I was induced at 40 weeks with both of them because of how large they are and how small of a person i am. I was put on an IV and because of panic attacks and anxiety I was put on pain medication which made labor pretty much nonexistent for me so I've never really had a contraction that I've ever actually felt and I had an epidural as well. I didn't have many Braxton contractions either. This pregnancy has been very different I am just now going to be 29 weeks and I feel like I've been in labor for the last three days and I've had several's weird symptoms, anytime that I sit down anywhere or laydown I amediately pass out and I don't mean like "oh I fell asleep" like I black out and then when I wake up it's like I was drugged, like when you take NyQuil and you can't keep your eyes open. I also feel nauseous all the time and I've had several Braxton hicks contractions that usually end in fits of vomiting my lower and upper back hurt so incredibly bad and sometimes they hurt worse than others almost like pain that happens for a few minutes and then goes away would that be considered a contraction? I have an appointment the 18th to see my OBG and the last time I was there he did say my baby was larger than expected so I'm wondering if she's putting on so much weight so fast that it's causing me to have these weird symptoms or if I am actually going into labor? Should I try to get an appointment sooner or is this something that I could wait on? I'm going to call in the morning and talk to my nurse but I really don't know if I can sleep tonight with all this pain. I would really appreciate your guys advice. Has anyone ever gone through anything like this? Is this just normal things for pregnancy or is any of this abnormal?