I've never realized how useless I am in today's world until now

My husband called me during his hour commute to work to ask me to email someone at work something off his computer he had worked on at home, he had forgotten to last night. No big deal right? I had to email a PDF file through Adobe Acrobat reader or something... which I could not figure out for the life of me how to even find the file on there, much less email it, but when I finally got it attached to an email with his guidance (I felt like a stupid child) I barely could form a professional email, it was horrible. I saved it as a draft (he could look at it on his phone but it won't correctly send it because of the adobe) and he looked at it and had to correct my wording and structure of it. I'm a SAHM and housewife, never realized before how absolutely useless I am in today's world until now, I don't know how to do anything with computers so I never use them, I can barely understand my iPhone, all I can do are household things. Maybe it's my hormones but I feel like shit.