husband won't stop snoring

Alexsa - 💍‘16– 👨‍👩‍👧 ‘17– 🤰’19 ❤️
I don't know how to make him stop! 
This never used to be an issue because he never used to snore. 😥 Now he snores like a bear Every. Single. Night. It literally can be heard through the house.
This of course drives me insane because I am woken up by our 11 week old baby to feed her every couple hours then can't go back to sleep because I'm stuck listening to him. Then before I know it, she is waking up to eat again and I'm Just Barely getting back to sleep.. if at all. 
I can't go in the other room because our baby's bed is in our room and I don't want to risk not waking up for her because he doesn't get up right away. So, she would end up getting to the point where she is upset and crying and then I don't stand a chance of getting her right back to sleep within 30 minutes. 
I don't want him or I to sleep in another room because I know it will quickly turn into an every night thing and I want my husband to sleep in bed with me. It's already hard enough trying to keep the spark alive with a newborn. I don't want to feel even more like Just mom and dad; not husband and wife. 
Every single snore makes me so angry though! Not only because it feels like nails on a chalkboard, but because sometimes it is infuriating to hear him snoring while I'm stuck awake and exhausted and he is off in dreamland. Not to mention that sometimes he will snore so loudly that he wakes the baby! 😡
I don't know what to do... we have switched beds because his bed was memory foam and it made the snoring even worse. We went back to my bed because it is firmer and the one that we used to use while dating when he never snored. We have tried using different kinds of pillows, less pillows, and more pillows and nothing seems to resolve it. We eat dinner Hours before bed. So, that's not the cause. We have tried breathe right strips and since they aren't made for snoring, they don't work. We are aware that it could be stress related, but we are newly married, with a new house, a new baby, and he has long days at an exhausting job. There isn't a way to avoid the stress right now.
The only thing that works is when he sleeps on his stomach. This doesn't last though because his body hurts in the morning from that position and he only lasts about 5 minutes that way before he ends up on his side. Add the fact that our bed is a queen and once you put him on his stomach, plus me, plus baby, plus the pillow being used to prop up my elbow/shoulder for feeding... we don't all fit without one of us teetering dangerously and uncomfortably close to the edge. 
Has anyone else had anything correct either their snoring or their spouse's?? I don't want him to sleep in another room, but I find myself crying out of frustration now and being so angry at him.